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The Disappearance of Noquisi Ama Blossom.

Noquisi Ama Blossom
Noquisi Ama Blossom
Noquisi Ama Blossom
Noquisi Ama Blossom

By the time Noquisi ‘Quis’ Ama Blossom was 15 years old, she had lived in 5 U.S states before settling in Makawao, Hawaii, with her mother, Autumn Leaf and her siblings. Like any teenage girl, Noquisi argued with her mother, but she was said to have been a good student who always got good grades. Noquisi was outgoing and was able to make friends anywhere she went, likely a product of her moving around 6 U.S states in her childhood.

By mid-1995, Autumn noticed a change in her daughter; the once straight-A student was skipping class and breaking curfew. Noquisi had also begun to experiment with drugs and alcohol, and according to Autumn, she was abusing them. This caused daily arguments between the mother and daughter, which culminated in Noquisi moving out of her mother's home and in with her friends.

It was around this time that Noquisi also began dating a 25-year-old man named Gary. Autumn was outraged by this relationship, but Noquisi continued to see her boyfriend. In early October 1995, Noquisi confided in her mother that she had become pregnant by her 25-year-old boyfriend. Autumn consoled her daughter and advised her to terminate the pregnancy.

On October 9th 1995, Noquisi attended a local clinic and went through with the termination. On October 18th 1995, just 9 days later, Noquisi was seen leaving her home in Makawao for the last time. She was reported missing shortly after to the Wailuku Maui Police Department. She did not take any of her personal belongings, but the local police classified her case as a runaway.

Autumn Leaf did not believe her daughter ran away, instead fearing that her daughter had met with foul play. According to a Web Sleuths user, Autumn Leaf passed away in August 2010 from a single gunshot wound to the chest [self-inflicted]. Gary, Noquisi’s boyfriend, was questioned, but he claimed to have no idea of her whereabouts. He has never been named a suspect or charged with Noquisi’s disappearance.

Age progressed photo of Noquisi from NCMEC
Age progressed photo of Noquisi [NCMEC]

Noquisi ‘Quis’ Ama Blossom is described as a white female with blonde hair, blue/green eyes, 5’1” to 5’2” and 115 to 120 lbs. She has scars near her left eyebrow and on her left index finger and a “self-made inscription” of the word ‘until death’ on her forearm. She may use the names D’Asia Noquisi, D’Asia Gunn, Sorrow Knight, Alex Gunn and Sorrow Terre Alex Gunn. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Wailuku Maui Police Department at 808-463-0043, quoting case number 95-62173.


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